
History of Art

History of Art

What is History of Art?

History of Art involves the study of art. Students have the chance to study architecture, sculpture, drawing, painting, print and decorative and industrial arts. The subject afford you the opportunity to discover art and visual culture through a broad range of perspectives, such as social history, global art, philosophy, anthropology, feminism and religion. Students who are interested in Art, History, Politics and Architecture can find a degree course that offers the chance to incorporate each of those passions and interests in to one-degree programme. History of Art does not generally involve the creation of art so you do not need to have technical skill.

What can I do with an History of Art degree?

Those who choose to stay within a relevant field might find themselves employed in museums and galleries, the care and conservation of monuments, heritage management or fine art dealing. Other graduates also make successful transitions into teaching, media, the law and management roles.

What might I need to study History of Art?

Most universities do not require particular A-Level subjects to study History of Art. Often it is not necessary for you to have studied History or Art at A-Level. It is worth, however, checking the entry requirements to individual courses.