Improving Reading Outcomes for All Children
As of 2021, nearly one fifth of all the pupils in England speak English as an Additional Language (EAL). In other words, most of these pupils are bilingual -or even trilingual or multilingual in many cases. Although bilingualism is generally associated with some cognitive benefits, research from the past few years shows that EAL pupils often underperform in vocabulary, reading accuracy, reading and listening comprehension, compared to their monolingual peers. However, researchers are not yet confident on how EAL pupils can be adequately supported in achieving their educational outcomes. Meanwhile, recent studies on reading comprehension try to shed light on a factor that is relatively under-researched especially among bilingual children: prosody. Prosody is described as the music of language and consists of pitch, stress, rhythm, and pauses. If you are wondering what prosody has to do with reading comprehension and bilingualism, read the section below and watch the video provided.
Resource activities
Recap: Reading, prosody, and bilingualism
Check out this worksheet once you have read the material above and watched the lecture!
Activity questions
- How many types of bilingualism can we detect in the population of students who speak English as an Additional Language and what are they?
- What processes are essential for reading comprehension?
- What do we need to consider in order to improve reading outcomes for all children?
Reflective questions
To answer and record these questions you will need to have an account and be logged in.
Task 1
What are the key arguments, concepts, points contained within it?
Task 2
What are you struggling to understand?
What could you do to improve your understanding of these concepts/terminology etc.?
Task 3
What further questions has this resource raised for you?
What else are you keen to discover about this topic and how could you go about learning more?
Can you make any links between this topic and your prior knowledge or school studies?
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GoFurther reading
The Stages of Literacy
An Overview of Literacy Development
Fluency with Text
English as an Additional Language
Diversity of Learners who use English as an Additional Language
Understanding EAL
Find out about the different stages of learning EAL children go through